A Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check (formerly CRB check) is a process used to search through an individual’s criminal record and highlight any offences. It is used to check the suitability of an employee or volunteer to make sure that there is nothing in their criminal record that could be a cause for concern.

Any job role that is defined as a regulated activity by the DBS, i.e. involves direct contact with children or vulnerable adults, will require an Enhanced DBS Check. This includes: pastors, youth leaders, Sunday school teachers and toddler group leaders amongst others.

Who does MCYC use to complete DBS checks?

As of April 2024, MCYC uses Thirtyone:eight to complete DBS checks and digital ID checks. Thirtyone:eight is the only independent Christian charity providing professional safeguarding advice and disclosure checks throughout the UK. More information can be found here.

Can MCYC process DBS checks for Partner Churches?

Unfortunately we are no longer able to offer this service. MCYC only completes DBS checks for its volunteers and staff.

How do I request a DBS and ID check?

All DBS and ID checks are now completed online. The MCYC Staff Registrar will act as the Lead Recruiter for Thirtyone:eight and will be your point of contact. To request a DBS and digital ID check, contact the Staff Registrar who will send an invite via email for both checks.

Who should I contact for help regarding DBS and ID checks?

Please use the form below and contact MCYC directly for any queries. Do not contact Thirtyone:eight before speaking to MCYC.

Does MCYC charge for completing a DBS check?

Your first DBS and ID Check are paid for by MCYC if you are an MCYC volunteer. Subsequent checks will be charged. Currently this is £20. To avoid future charges, staff are encouraged to sign-up to the DBS Update Service here within 30 days of the certificate issue date. By signing up to the DBS Update Service MCYC can complete future DBS checks.

Staff in paid roles will need to pay for their DBS checks. Please ask for details.

If a person has completed an application form, have they been DBS checked?

No. Only when a certificate is issued is the check complete. The certificate will either show no records or give details of any criminality. Certificate results must be seen before an individual undertakes regulated activity i.e. that which involves direct contact with children or vulnerable adults.

Do MCYC see and hold records of DBS checks completed?

Certificates are only issued to applicants. Therefore it is up to individuals to ensure they keep their certificate secure and are able to show their certificate to MCYC when requested.
MCYC do keep a record of checks completed for auditing purposes.

Can MCYC replace lost DBS certificates?

No. MCYC only process applications. Only the DBS can reprint certificates and this can only be done within 30 days of issue.

Can MCYC tell me my certificate number?

If you have attended MCYC and/or have a MyMCYC account then we should have a record of your DBS certificate number and issue date.

How long does a DBS certificate remain valid?

There is no expiry date on a DBS however most organisations, including MCYC, consider them to be valid for no more than 3 years from the date of issue unless they are rechecked using the update service. Once a DBS is 3 years old, and not on the DBS Update Service, we recommend a recheck is completed.

What is the DBS Update Service?

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Update Service allows employers to check a DBS certificate. It enables employers to check if the information on the original certificate is still valid, or if it requires a new check. The service will not reveal any new information to the person checking however, if there is new information, it will state that a new application must be made.

Can MCYC carry out a DBS status check (to check a certificate is still valid) on the Update Service?

MCYC will complete status checks for those applying to weeks of Camp unless permission has been withdrawn.

Contact our Staff Registrar, Joel Fraser, using the form below.

How much is it to sign up to the DBS Update Service?

The service is free of charge for voluntary staff.
The service is £13 per year for employed staff.
You must register within 30 days of your DBS certificate being issued.

Who completes section Y for DBS applications for MCYC?

The MCYC Staff Registrar still completes section Y of the DBS certificate online.

Who can I contact for more information?

Contact our Staff Registrar, Joel Fraser, using the form below.

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