All campers attending MCYC must read and agree to abide by this code of conduct
- Each day at camp there will be some time spent looking at the Bible and in praise and worship. Campers will be expected to attend and respect this time and not to disturb other people.
- Campers will be expected to behave with respect at all times; both to each other and to leaders. The Director and the Admin Team have the overall responsibility of ensuring MCYC runs smoothly and that everyone is able to enjoy themselves. If they feel a camper’s behaviour threatens this, they may be sent home.
- No aggressive or offensive behaviour or language will be tolerated.
- Alcohol, illegal drugs, offensive weapons, tobacco, E cigarettes and vapes are not permitted at Camp.
- Mobile phones that are brought to camp should be used respectfully (including the taking of photographs) , if one is brought and it is used inappropriately or at inappropriate times it may be confiscated and returned to them at the end of the week.
- Campers must not leave the site at any time except for authorised trips
- Campers must respect the lights out time for their week and must remain in their accommodation after lights out, (campers in tents are still able to use toilet facilities)