22.03.24 – 24.03.24

Follow First Leadership Academy is a Christian leadership course designed to provide leaders with training to prepare and equip them for a leadership role wherever they are. To help people find their God-given gifts and know how to use them.

It is an opportunity to develop your broader leadership skills and deepen your understanding of what it means to lead like Jesus. We aim to ensure the skills developed are transferrable across all areas whether that in work, at church or at other organisations. We also look at leadership practically from an MCYC perspective.

The course will cover a number of areas both in theory and practical sessions to help people discover the type of leader God wants them to be. It will build up the key values of Christian leadership: integrity, humility, compassion, authenticity, spiritual gifts, focus and vision.

Where individuals are looking to become a leader at MCYC this course is particularly valuable as we endeavour to support young leaders and new leaders developing however God has planned for them. (Note: leaders at MCYC must be 16+ for Camp Ab, 18+ for Juniors and Inters, 21+ for Seniors)

Whether you attended the single-day course in 2023 or if this is your first time attending, we would love to have you join us for Follow First 2024.

If you registered in 2023 you will need to register again for 2024

AGE: 16-25

VENUE: Tyn-y-nant Christian Centre

COst: £35

Cost is per attendee; but those then attending as a leader in 2024 will receive a £25 discount voucher.

Transport is not provided – those attending will be required to arrange their own transport to Tyn-Y-Nant. If you are struggling for transport please let us know and we may be able to help – click here to contact us.

Church Leaders

We know church leaders will want to know a little more about what training is being undertaken at Follow First – so we’ve created this overview for them to read through.

Follow First – Teaching Content